Obscure DC Characters: Isis

Joanna Cameron stars as Isis on The Secrets of Isis. From the series introduction (1975).

The DC comics character Isis was originally created in 1975 for television. She was an addition to the already-in-progress Shazam! series, which began in 1974.

Shazam! was expanded in 1975 to an hour-long time slot with the addition of The Secrets of Isis, which featured high school teacher Andrea Thomas, who discovered an ancient Egyptian amulet while on an archaeological expedition. Like Billy Batson (Shazam/Captain Marvel) before her, Andrea transformed into a super-hero by intoning the magic words, "Oh mighty Isis!" Also like her counterpart, the heroine received her powers from the ancient Egyptian goddess.

When the live action shows were canceled, both heroes returned to Saturday mornings in animated form, Isis as part of Tarzan and the Super 7 and Captain Marvel as half of The Kid Super Power Hour with Shazam.

Live Action: The Secrets of Isis

22 episodes • 6 Sept. 1975–23 Oct. 1976 • CBS/Filmation Associates

While Shazam! and The Secrets of Isis were two distinct television series, they were marketed under the name "The Shazam!/Isis Hour." The characters crossed over into the other's shows a few times. Their first meeting occurred on the Shazam! show, "The Odd Couple" (episode 22, 18 Oct. 1975). Isis appeared on Shazam! again in episodes 26 and 28. Shazam guest-starred in Isis episode 11, "Funny Gal," (22 Nov. 1975).

Isis, aka Andrea Thomas, was played by Joanna Cameron. Thomas was a high school teacher who had discovered an ancient Egyptian amulet while on an archaeological expedition. When in the possession of the amulet, Andrea has but to speak the magic words "Oh mighty Isis!" and she is transformed into a super-powered heroine. Andrea's supporting cast included a pet myna bird named Tut, fellow teacher, Rick Mason, and students Renee Carroll and Cindy Lee.

Isis in Animation

Tarzan and the Super 7 • 2 Seasons • 09 Sept. 1978–30 Aug. 1980 • CBS/Filmation Associates

After the cancellation of the live action series, the Isis character migrated into an animated series, Tarzan and the Super 7. This show aired seven different features (one of which was Batman) in self-contained segments. Isis (voiced by Diane Pershing) was not a solo feature; she was a member of the "Freedom Force," which included Hercules, Merlin, Sinbad and Super Samurai.

Isis Fictional History

Andrea Thomas, alias Isis

Unnamed father (deceased), Viola Thomas (mother)

The Freedom Force

First appearance, television: The Secrets of Isis, season 1, episode 1 (6 Sept. 1975)
First appearance, comics: Shazam! #25 (Sept./Oct. 1976)

8 issues (1976–1978)


Andrea Thomas becomes a super-hero with powers from the ancient Egyptian gods. From Isis #1 (Oct./Nov. 1976); by Denny O'Neil, Ric Estrada and Wally Wood.

Four millennia ago, in ancient Egypt, a tyrannical magician named Serpenotep conquered the Land of the Nile by imprisoning the benevolent wizard who had protected the people. A woman named Isis, posing as a servant, sneaked past the guards and into the wizard's prison, where he explained that she would be unable to free him until Serpenotep was defeated. But, he was able to transfer some of his power into a person who was worthy.

Using his magic, the wizard caused an amulet necklace to appear around Isis' neck, and an amulet tiara on her head. He told her that she now possessed the powers of the pyramid — she could soar as the falcon soars, run with the speed of gazelles, and command the elements of earth and sky. The new heroine then confronted the wicked Serpenotep. He commanded his snakes to entwine the young goddess, but she recited an incantation which freed both her and the old wizard. Isis and the wizard combined their power and encased Serpenotep in stone. For years afterwards, Isis guarded those in need, until the day finally came that she passed on. She predicted that she would come again, in another form, to battle evil.

A few centuries later, during the mid-15th century BCE, Queen Hatshepsut ruled as Egypt's first and only female pharaoh. Thanks to his powerful magic, the old wizard still lived, and served as her royal sorcerer. Sensing greatness in her, the wizard presented the Queen with the mystical amulet. He told Hatshepsut that she and her descendants would be endowed by the goddess Isis with great powers. Upon donning the amulet and invoking the name of the goddess, Hatshepsut was transformed into the mighty Isis. After her death, the wizard took the amulet and hid it, along with a scroll which explained the secrets of Isis. He cast a spell, designed to lure one of the queen's worthy descendants to the site, so that the power of Isis could be rediscovered in some future era.

In the early 10th century BCE, the wizard, who had long since left Egypt, traveled to Jerusalem and studied with King Solomon. On the king's death-bed, the wizard gathered a small essence from the dying wise man. From the banks of the River Styx, he drew the essence of Achilles. From the edge of the world, he implored the Titan Atlas to donate some of his power. In Thebes, he sought out the Greek demi-god Herakles, but instead found his Roman counterpart, Hercules, from which he drew strength. Upon hearing of the wizard's endeavor, the Roman god Mercury joined the coalition. The king of the Greek gods, Zeus, appeared and imparted a portion of his power. The wizard bound the power into a magic lightning bolt, and renamed himself Shazam.

20th Century

Sometime in the late 20th century, an American teacher named Andrea Thomas traveled to Egypt as part of a scientific expedition. While digging alone at one of the sites, she discovered the amulet tiara and scroll. Something compelled her to put on the tiara, which felt oddly familiar to her. She then discovered that she could read the scroll, as if the amulet had given her the knowledge to understand the ancient hieroglyphics. It read "With this you shall have the powers of the goddess Isis: powers over the forces of nature, and of the animals; powers of the mystical regions of the mind. To have those powers, you must repeat the words 'Mighty Isis!'" Andrea felt compelled to try, and the greatest of heroines was reborn.

Isis was the leader of the "Freedom Force." From the intro, a segment within theTarzan and the Super 7 series on Saturday mornings (1978).

Years later, Isis gave up her Andrea Thomas alter ego, and helped form the Freedom Force. She was their leader and the team included Hercules, Merlin, Sinbad and Super Samurai. They operated out of a pyramid in The Valley of Time. Note: This was within the Tarzan and the Super 7 series on Saturday mornings, 1978.


The character was considered somewhat cheesy and untouchable for decades, and languished. Isis returned (as "Adriana Tomas") in 52 #3 (July 2006) and was transformed into the iconic hero in 52 #12 (Sept. 2006).

Her story became a part of Black Adam's, and she is also featured in the 2022 film of that same name.

Weapons and Powers

Isis derives her magical abilities from her mystical amulet. She possesses powers over the forces of nature and animals, and powers of the mind, which she invokes through various incantations.


Original text copyright DC Comics unless otherwise noted. Used without permission.